Stoke Fleming Living Churchyard Project



The aim of the Living Churchyard project is to enhance and manage the churchyard, creating a sustainable haven for wildlife and in turn making a more pleasant place for the people of the community. 


It is a unique habitat because it has been uncultivated and enclosed for hundreds of years; our plan is to conserve what is already here,

and to increase the number and variety of native plants and creatures

Plan of the Churchyard

The plan shows our overall approach to the churchyard bio-diversity plan.  The area shaded green will be devoted to wildflowers and that is where work will start.
What is not shown on the plan are aspects such as woodpiles, fruit trees, bird and bat boxes, bug and hedgehog houses and a ‘Mason Bee Hotel’. We hope that Stoke Fleming School will get involved in such activities. 



More details of our plans

Overview of Project
This plan was drawn up after consultation with David Curry and after carefully assessing the area. David is an advisor on matters relating to the environment and biodiversity to the Exeter Diocese and leader of the Devon Living Churchyards project.
ProjectOverview .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB

During 2023 we have carried out surveys of the wildlife present in the Churchyard at the start of the project. 

You can see the results on the Observations page.

Please contact us if you would like to get involved with any of our projects